Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wow -- how long has it been?

OK yes it's been a long time since the last post. I've been very busy and working on lots of other things: a book review, an article, my job, improving my 5k time (my new slogan: 5k a day). Also, it's not like I have millions of readers. I'll probably put this blog to bed at some point in the near future, but till then at least one more post. Probably more, even.

1. On pain: on my 5k run today my quadriceps muscle just gave out. It was hurting the whole time anyway, but I'm stupid and I tried to ignore it. About 3/4 of the way through the run it just tore, and I had to hobble off the track. My time this week is now under 25 minutes. But right now I can barely walk. Ugh.
2. A friend of mine here is having girl problems, which deepens my cynicism even more about the possibility of any lasting harmony between the sexes. But of course this is the material from which fine novels and great songs are made, so I won't theorize too much about it here. The best that can be said about this tension, perhaps, is that it makes things interesting. But I sometimes wonder whether others feel so deeply skeptical and cynical about the whole enterprise, or (conversely) whether I just flatter myself for thinking that I'm the only one who thinks this way.
3. Goddamn my leg hurts!
4. Spring Vacation a few weeks away. A respite from the cold is becoming necessary. It's only 14 degrees right now I think.


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